Saturday, July 20, 2019

Yugami Steamboat 渔家味火锅屋

userid ; el/leepy

I-Rewards 是一个突破传统, 提供网上广告与促销意识的商业品台:
B2B (business to business)
B2C (business to consumer)
C2C (consumer to consumer)
C2C (country to country)

我们欢迎任何商家加入我们的平台 (加盟费: 区区RM190, 决无其它费用), 你将享有:
1. 免费特别定制的 "6页" 网页 (为期2年)
2. 免费4人的海外地接旅游配套
3. 10,000 家联盟商互动
4. 3,000,000 客户群
5. 网上产品宣告效应
6. 商家产品兑换, 回扣礼卷
7. 联盟商的专属品牌预付VISA卡
8. 其它

我们欢迎有冲劲的, 加入我们, 成为我们的合作伙伴.
0投资, 0风险. 只要你的业余时间和冲劲!!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Innovate or Die

Innovate or Die; how to survive & thrive in Industry 4.0

A British-German futurist and co-founder of Leadapreneur, Jan draws on his decade of global experience working to enable 35,000+ people, and companies like Citibank, to transition into Industry 4.0. He will share his insights on what digital disruption really means, why it's killing traditional companies (and jobs!) and what you can do to remain relevant in the age of AI (hint; consider becoming a leadapreneur!).
Come for the banter and stay for the clear, practical and powerful learning.

Where: Common Ground Damansara Heights
When: 21 Feb 2019 (Thurs)
More details:

Programmer life